
    Here’s Why Miniature Painting and Gaming Might be Your New Hobby

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    It’s no secret that tabletop miniature gaming has become a lot more popular over the years. It’s fun, tactile, and can be a source of relaxation. Plus, painting them is half the fun! In the fast-paced world we live in, finding an activity that not only relaxes but also indulges your creative side is invaluable. Whether you’re a veteran painter, a newbie, or someone looking for your next hobby fix, Miniatures may be the hobby for you.

    Getting into the Hobby

    Like with most hobbies, it can be a little overwhelming when you first start. In fact, starting a hobby is sometimes harder than doing said hobby. The barrier of entry when it comes to miniature gaming and painting can be a little daunting, but it’s incredibly worth it. Here are a few tips I personally suggest before starting miniatures.

    My first tip is to research and set what you want. If you’re in it for the painting, then research which system and aesthetic works for you. Don’t just automatically default to the popular games like Warhammer: 40,000 or Warmachine. There are a ton of options out there and they’re all fun in their own way.

    If all you’re after is the painting aspect, then there are a few 3D printed options and resin models readily available for purchase. Just search what kind of model you want and order away. There is a building aspect to this hobby, mind you, so you need to take that into consideration. Models that require assembly and building often come at a higher-quality sculpt. Models that come as one piece may or may not be lacking in details and sculpt.

    The next tip I have is to remember that more expensive options aren’t necessarily better. When starting, you don’t have to invest in Kolinsky sable-hair brushes or even an airbrush and expensive paints. There are always budget options and they work just as well for beginners. Don’t be afraid to stop by your local hobby shop to inquire and ask about paints, brushes, and tools.

    Lastly, remember to have fun. Relax and enjoy the experience while living in the moment. Painting and playing with miniatures can be such a joy.

    Painting and Playing

    There are many reasons to just paint and enjoy the process or to focus on the gaming aspect of miniatures. Neither aspect of this hobby trumps the other. It will always depend on what you want out of it! Here are a few reasons to consider before deciding to jump in.

    When it comes to miniature painting, it allows you to express your creativity in an incredibly satisfying way. Miniatures, often intricate in sculpts, offer a blank canvas for you to bring to life. Your brushes, paints, and a bit of imagination can craft unique pieces that reflect your personal artistry.

    Personally, I find the process to be meditative. It requires focus and precision, which in turn provides a soothing escape from daily stressors. As you perfect your techniques over time, your miniatures transform into tiny masterpieces. Don’t worry if things don’t turn out how you wanted them. Messing up is part of the fun! Where you go from there is what matters.

    Miniatures also gives you the option to take to the table and play. Tabletop games like Warhammer or Marvel Crisis Protocol give your minis a purpose in exciting strategic battles and narrative-driven campaigns. These games are not your typical board game; they require strategizing, planning, and a lot of dice rolling. Okay, maybe it it’s exactly like a board game but it’s special because you painted the pieces! The synergy between painting and gaming creates a rewarding feedback loop—painting enhances your gaming experience, and gaming gives you more reasons to paint. It’s always such a boost of dopamine seeing your minis fully painted and on the table.


    Like every hobby, there’s an amazing and friendly community just waiting to welcome you into the fold. The joy painting and showing off your minis to your friends is unlike anything else. There’s a sense of pride intrinsically linked to the hobby. The more you see other people’s work, the more you want to push yourself and paint better. Likewise, the more you see others having fun on the tabletop just makes you want to jam more games in.

    Miniature painting and gaming may be a solo hobby, but that doesn’t mean it’s a lonely one. The friends you make and the feedback you get from painting and playing is rewarding in and of itself.

    If you’re looking for a new hobby, why not give these a go?

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