If you’ve just recently picked up Marvel Rivals, you’ll know that there are a ton of heroes with distinct playstyles and roles. While some are harder to play than others, there are easy choices to pick up while learning the game. If you want to know which role is right for you, you can read about that here. When you’re sure what role you want, here are our suggestions for your first hero.
The Duelist role in Marvel Rivals has a ton of options to choose from. Right now in Season 1, there are 19 playable duelists. That means you’re not running short on choices here and there’s something for everyone. That said, some Duelists are easier to pick up than others and we highly recommend staying away from these ones until you get the hang of the game.
Duelist – Scarlet Witch

The easiest Duelist to pick up is most definitely Scarlet Witch. She has a straightforward kit that includes crowd-control, a panic button, a targeted burst skill, and a no-aim primary fire. Seriously, you don’t need to aim with Scarlet Witch. Just stand near an opponent, hold down your left mouse button, and watch their HP drop. Her Ultimate does unfortunately take 3 to 5 business days to cast but it instantly kills everyone in the vicinity. She’s incredibly easy to play and doesn’t take much to get you feeling confident as a duelist.
Duelist – Hela

If you wanna kick it up a notch, Hela is another Duelist that’s both easy and rewarding. She has a built in hitscan, meaning all you need to do is aim and click and the damage is instantly applied to the enemy. There’s no projectile travel time. She’s also straightforward and has a good combination of skills. While she’s not as braindead as Scarlet Witch when it comes to aiming, she still rewards players for having the ability to click enemies.
Duelist – Punisher

If you have a background in shooters, Punisher is the hero for you. His kit is very simple and is honestly the most Call of Duty character in the game. He has a shotgun for close-range and a machine gun for medium to long distance. He can summon a turret and hold down an area with non-stop cover fire, and his ult unleashes a torrent of gunfire. He’s very simple to pick up and play if you want a more traditional FPS hero.
While there aren’t a lot of Vanguards to choose from, they’re all very good at what they do (Except for you, Cap, I’m sorry). Like I said in the previous article, there are two types of Vanguards. You have the Divers and the Bodyguards. Here are the easiest one’s to pick up for either.
Vanguard – Venom

Venom is not as hard as you think. His gameplay may look pretty daunting but he is exceptionally effective when you get the hang of it. He’s your go-to dive tank on maps that have a lot of choke points and buildings mainly because of his wall-climb and swing ability. It’s very easy for a Venom to dive the enemy backline and just be and overall menace. You need to learn when to use his bonus health and be unkillable because that’s what makes or breaks a good Venom.
Vanguard – Magneto

Magneto is your straightforward bodyguard Vanguard. All he has to do is create space for the team by sitting on the frontline and soaking up all the damage. He has a shield that can stop almost everything but is on a cooldown and the option to give himself or a teammate a damage-soaking bubble. His primary fire is also one of the easiest to use in the game because it does AOE splash damage when it makes contact with terrain or an opponent. What that basically means is that you can aim at the ground near an enemy and they’ll still take damage even when you miss.
Although the Strategist role is by no means the easiest, there are heroes in this role that make the game a lot easier to pick up compared to other heroes. If you want to be the healer of the team, you definitely need to try these heroes.
Strategist – Jeff the Landshark

The easiest support in the entire game is absolutely everyone’s favorite land sea-creature, Jeff. His left mouse button is a healing beam that heals allies when hit while his right click is damage. He can dive underwater with LShift and even climb up walls by holding spacebar. When his healing beam runs out, he can use E to drop little bubbles that heal his team. Jeff’s ultimate is a fun AOE that swallows everyone in the circle (Yes even his team). He can then choose to spit people out in any direction he aims at. Just be sure it’s the enemy you’re spitting off a ledge and not your team.
Strategist – Luna Snow

Luna Snow is the next easiest strategist to main and is a personal favorite of mine. Like Hela, she has a built-in hitscan primary that heals allies and damages enemies. She can choose to empower her shots for a period of time and it increases the damage and healing. Her right click launches an ice ball that freezes enemies and her Ultimate can heal or boost damage depending on the mode. She’s rather straightforward and has the benefit of having her damage and heal be on one button. She also has the added benefit of being a K-Pop Star! (It’s not relevant but it’s an absolute flavor win.)
At the end of the day, these are merely our suggestions! Play whoever you want and remember to have fun in Marvel Rivals. Everyone takes a bit of practice so don’t hesitate to pick up whoever seems the coolest or most fun.
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